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Os Absorventes Universais possuem design inteligente e ideais para a limpeza de todos os tipos de derramamentos. Nossas almofadas/tapetes absorventes universais, rolos absorventes universais, almofadas absorventes universais, barras absorventes universais com cobertura spunbond e tecido de malha de poliéster  fundição externa, meias absorventes universais, partículas absorventes universais são exatamente o que você precisa para absorver óleos, solventes, refrigerantes e derramamentos à base de água. Eles podem absorver grandes quantidades de líquidos em curtos períodos. Use-o embaixo de máquinas, para manutenção e reparos, para absorver o excesso de pulverização, bancadas de linha e um zilhão de outras maneiras. 

The fiber arrives at our factory from our suppliers through road transport. The manufacturing process has an extremely negligible environmental impact when compared to materials made from any other man-made fibers. 


The material is 100% biodegradable, composed of 80% Recycled Cotton and 20% Recycled Low Melt Fiber (binding agent for fibers). The pads can be further recycled for production of home furnishing goods, or can be broken down again to make more felt, making it 100% recyclable. Since it is a natural product and plants can continue to produce more cotton indefinitely, it is certainly 100% renewable.


We have installed solar panels to generate our own electricity. These panels generate more green energy than is required for felt production without CO2 emissions.

Traditional Meltblown pads and rolls are not sustainable, or biodegradable. From the very outset, the raw materials (PP granules) are derived from crude oil which, an industry where with very high energy usage. The materials made from PP are recyclable in the sense that they can be melted and crystallized again to form granules. 

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